“Troubling Terms and the Sex Trades”
Radical History Review Issue 149
May 2024
co-edited by Rachel Schreiber, Heidi Tinsman, and Judith Walkowitz
“Troubling Terms and the Sex Trades” assembles writings from scholars, sex workers and activists, each of whom interrogates a troubled term and its place in the history of prostitution. These contributions appear in different formats. The first section, Reflections, presents short first-person accounts by sex worker activists, advocates, and scholars regarding a critical keyword they have worked with or resisted. The second section, Features, presents longer essays that interrogate the terms sex work, demand, white slavery, red-light district, restricted area, and decriminalization. Finally, Curated Spaces explores the history of the red umbrella as a visual term that has developed as a global symbol for sex worker rights.
In recognition of the political import of the topic and the collaboration between scholars and activists, Duke University Press has kindly removed the paywall for the first two months of the issue’s publication. You can access the articles from the RHR's website: https://www.dukeupress.edu/troubling-terms-and-the-sex-trades.
Nicole Archer, Eurydice Aroney & Julie Bates, Naomi Akers, Priscilla Alexander, Raven Bowen, Elisa Camiscioli & Eva Payne, Empower, Christina Carney, Gwyn Easterbrook-Smith, Katie M. Hemphill, Jo Krishnakumar, Eunbi Lee, Kate Marquez, Annalisa Martin, Lorraine Nencel, Gail Pheterson, Tracy Quan, Rachel Schreiber, John Scott & Jane Scoular, Judith R. Walkowitz, Jo Weldon, Luise White
My new book, Elaine Black Yoneda, was released from Temple University Press in December 2021.
Order from Amazon or Temple University Press.
Exclusive rights have been optioned by New York-based producer Tony Amatullo, for adaptation of Elaine Black Yoneda as a motion picture.
My Instagram post today, May 3, 2022. I will surely always remember this horrible day.
To read more about Lou Rogers and this cartoon, see my book chapter, “ ‘Breed!’: the Graphic Satire of the Birth Control Review,” in Art, Politics, and the Pamphleteer, eds. Tormey and Whiteley (Bloomsbury, 2020).
Radical History Review Issue 149
May 2024
co-edited by Rachel Schreiber, Heidi Tinsman, and Judith Walkowitz

“Troubling Terms and the Sex Trades” assembles writings from scholars, sex workers and activists, each of whom interrogates a troubled term and its place in the history of prostitution. These contributions appear in different formats. The first section, Reflections, presents short first-person accounts by sex worker activists, advocates, and scholars regarding a critical keyword they have worked with or resisted. The second section, Features, presents longer essays that interrogate the terms sex work, demand, white slavery, red-light district, restricted area, and decriminalization. Finally, Curated Spaces explores the history of the red umbrella as a visual term that has developed as a global symbol for sex worker rights.
In recognition of the political import of the topic and the collaboration between scholars and activists, Duke University Press has kindly removed the paywall for the first two months of the issue’s publication. You can access the articles from the RHR's website: https://www.dukeupress.edu/troubling-terms-and-the-sex-trades.
Nicole Archer, Eurydice Aroney & Julie Bates, Naomi Akers, Priscilla Alexander, Raven Bowen, Elisa Camiscioli & Eva Payne, Empower, Christina Carney, Gwyn Easterbrook-Smith, Katie M. Hemphill, Jo Krishnakumar, Eunbi Lee, Kate Marquez, Annalisa Martin, Lorraine Nencel, Gail Pheterson, Tracy Quan, Rachel Schreiber, John Scott & Jane Scoular, Judith R. Walkowitz, Jo Weldon, Luise White
My new book, Elaine Black Yoneda, was released from Temple University Press in December 2021.

Order from Amazon or Temple University Press.
Exclusive rights have been optioned by New York-based producer Tony Amatullo, for adaptation of Elaine Black Yoneda as a motion picture.
Read Sooji Min-Maranda’s feature story about my book in Lilith Magazine.

My Instagram post today, May 3, 2022. I will surely always remember this horrible day.

To read more about Lou Rogers and this cartoon, see my book chapter, “ ‘Breed!’: the Graphic Satire of the Birth Control Review,” in Art, Politics, and the Pamphleteer, eds. Tormey and Whiteley (Bloomsbury, 2020).
Read: “Misogyny and Antisemitism are a Toxic Brew,” co-authored with Natalia Mehlman Petrzela, NY Times, Dec 1, 2024.
Listen: Podcast on The New Books Network about my book, Elaine Black Yoneda.
Read: Time is Not On Your Side in Inside Higher Ed
Read: From Faculty to Administrator: Working With a Consultant in Inside Higher Ed
Watch: Bant Breen’s interview with me for The Uncaged Show
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Listen: Podcast interview between Sam Cohen and me about my book, Elaine Black Yoneda, at this link. Produced for North Philly Notes